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How Drones are Reinventing HVAC Inspections

Written by Erik Till | Mar 24, 2020 12:30:00 PM

HVAC inspections are a critical task on any property manager’s checklist. Essential to understanding the functionality of a building’s heating and cooling systems, proper HVAC inspections help determine if important infrastructure is functional or in need of repair. 

HVAC inspections are not only necessary for regular building maintenance, they’re a crucial tool for property managers looking to acquire new assets. An HVAC inspection can be used to understand the true age, condition, and sizing of a building’s HVAC and ventilation units, eliminating any unwelcome heating and cooling surprises when purchasing a new property.

Drawbacks to Traditional Inspections

One drawback to traditional commercial HVAC inspections is that they can be costly and potentially hazardous endeavors. Contracting maintenance crews that need access to the roof in order to complete an inspection has typically been required to paint a full picture of the health of a commercial HVAC system. Not only are these inspection methods expensive, they’re also time-consuming and dangerous, placing individuals on rooftops or in hard-to-reach spaces in order to deliver a conclusion as to whether or not a piece of equipment is fully functional.

A Modern Solution

Drones present an ideal solution for property managers tasked with HVAC inspections by offering a faster, safer, and more efficient solution. Equipped with sensors capable of capturing high-resolution imagery, drone data can deliver conclusive inspections with actionable results. 

High-resolution imagery captured by DroneBase's network of trained pilots makes it possible to inspect HVAC equipment at scale and carry out equipment inspections with precise detail. Rather than paying for satellite imagery or sending a human inspector into tight, potentially dangerous  or hard to reach spaces, highly-skilled drone pilots deliver imagery and actionable insights in near-real time.

Powerful Data

Gleaning information from visual insights is an option that many property managers choose, however advancements in drone technology and sensors are allowing organizations to take the next step towards advanced insights from drone data. DroneBase's inventory of highly-advanced thermal sensors produces thermal imagery that is able to identify anomalies that may not be visible to the human eye. Thermal capture, in addition to standard aerial imagery, is essential to maintaining the health of a buildings roof and HVAC units. Malfunctions in equipment caused by issues such as wiring errors or loose connections put off different heat signatures that can be identified via thermal imagery. Instead of relying strictly on visual insights, thermal imagery can clearly identify issues with HVAC units, in addition to cracks on roofs, water damage, or other damage that may not be readily apparent via standard photography. 

When it comes to reducing costs, maintaining peak efficiency is key. Through the use of drones, in combination with thermal sensors, property managers and other key stakeholders can identify inefficiencies quickly and fix the issue before it causes more damage or in a worst case scenario -- requires a shutdown.

HVAC maintenance is an ongoing task, so having a reliable, efficient, and affordable method to assess equipment condition can help ensure systems are being well maintained throughout the year. 

Partnering with DroneBase for property and HVAC inspections provides property managers with a powerful solution for a difficult and expensive task. High-resolution aerial images, high-definition video clips, thermal data capture, and analysis help paint a complete picture of a building's infrastructure, delivering broad insights to accurately measure the integrity of a building’s HVAC installation.

If you’re interested in learning more or connecting with a member of our team, visit our Property Management page for more information.