Last month DroneBase took to the skies to capture Altisource employees as they participated in a Habitat For Humanity build in St. Louis, Missouri.
Community engagement is a critical part of Altisource’s core corporate values, much like DroneBase’s commitment to community engagement. One of Altisource’s primary business lines focuses on preserving and protecting homes, and thus the fit with Habitat for Humanity is a natural one. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility program, Altisource offers opportunities for employees, vendors (such as Dronebase) and clients to help fulfill its value “Enrich Communities” with Habitat for Humanity. “Fun every year!”, says Ryan Lorenz, a Senior Manager at Altisource.
Habitat for Humanity builds allow low-income families to purchase decent and affordable homes around the world. Habitat homebuyers build their own homes alongside volunteers, and once built, these in-need families are able to purchase the house and begin creating lives for themselves and their children.
From May 22 to 27, Altisource employees gathered in St. Louis to build a home that will shelter a family in dire need of affordable housing. Donna Groman, Assistant Manager of Valuation Operations, mentioned that these charitable partnerships have a notably positive effect at both the individual and community levels: “It is always eye-opening to realize that doing even small things can have a big impact on others”.
Other Altisource employees were in resounding agreement, too: “Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity continues to be an enriching event, an absolute must if you want to add a sense of purpose in your life and revitalize communities. After a very fulfilling day, helping build the home, my reward was the best night’s sleep I ever had – I don’t know if it was the exhaustion from the day long construction or the tranquility realizing a needy family will now have a roof over their head”, said Priyankar Ghosh, VP of Global Operations at Altisource.
We’re proud to have the opportunity to work on such an inspiring mission alongside Altisource & Habitat for Humanity. Watch the awe-inspiring drone footage of this charitable partnership below: