One of DroneBase's core strengths lies in our large network of drone pilots. We value each one individually, whether they're a first-time rookie or seasoned veteran, and strive to keep them all engaged with streams of commercial and creative activities, creating value for both pilots and our customers. Although the strength lies in our network that extends across all 50 states and over 40 countries, we recognize and appreciate the individual contributions of each one.
In this month's Pilot Spotlight, we want to recognize Jessica in Atlanta who has been flying with DroneBase for about a year. Learn more about her and her experiences as a Pilot below:

DroneBase: What drone do you primarily fly with?
Jessica: Phantom 3 Professional
DroneBase: What are your favorite things to shoot?
Jessica: Beautiful homes, nature, commercial property, beaches, construction property, as you can see anything basically. The view is always better from the sky.
DroneBase: What is your favorite aspect about being a drone pilot?
Jessica: There are no limits. The prospect of being able to pilot in so many different industries is exciting.
DroneBase: What was your best piloting experience?
Jessica: I am relatively new to the drone and aviation world, so every piloting experience is a wonderful experience for me. Drones have given me the opportunity to tap into the world of aviation and explore the world in a whole new way.
DroneBase: What was your worst piloting experience?
Jessica: Piloting the drone in the middle of a paved parking lot on a hot summer’s day in the south. You learn that 100+ degree temperatures, paved parking lots, and flat thin-soled sneakers don’t play well together. Needless to say, my feet were almost in flames! Note to self, in these conditions, move more than less, find a shade tree, and thick-soled shoes are key.
DroneBase: Describe your "dream drone"
Jessica: One that is more affordable and more feature-heavy that can be used to facilitate humanitarian efforts. The affordability factor will provide the average pilot access to drones with the capabilities needed to assist in areas of need.
Jessica: "I have shot a number of exciting projects with DroneBase and look forward to continuing my partnership with this company as it grows."
We're also looking forward to continue working with Jessica on many more exciting missions in the future! Whether she is capturing stunning aerials of a property or worksite, or if she's shooting some captivating imagery of nature, Jessica has a lot of talent and is just getting started!
If you're interested in flying with us, visit here to learn more about being a pilot and signing up. If you're a customer and would like to work with Jessica (or another talented DroneBase pilot in your area), visit us here.
Check out more of Jessica's work here: